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WG3 - 7- and 8-bits character sets. WG19 - Formal Specification Languages. JSG - Java Study Group.
娌冲崡骞挎挱鐢佃 澶у 鍏充簬鎺ㄥ箍浣跨敤瀛 敓浜嬪姟鏈嶅姟骞冲彴鐨勯 氱煡. 鎴戞牎缃戠珯浣跨敤鑱旈 氬拰鏁欑 缃戝弻鍗冨厗绾胯矾锛岀數淇 敤鎴疯 闂 細鎱 紒. 涓 ぎ鐢靛ぇ鈥滅綉涓婃暀瀛 椿鍔ㄢ 濆拰鈥滃崍闂寸洿鎾 鍫傗 濇椂闂磋. 鐢靛ぇ鐨勮 绋嬭 冩牳閲囧彇浠 涔堟柟寮忥紵浠 涔堟槸褰 垚鎬ц 冩牳锛熶粈涔堟槸缁? 鈥滄暀鑲查儴缁熻 冣 濊 绋嬫湁鍝 簺锛熺粺鑰冩垚缁 浣曟煡璇 紵缁熻 冨父瑙侀棶. 鐢靛ぇ寮 鏀炬暀鑲插 鐢熶笌鍏朵粬瀛 敓鏈変綍涓嶅悓锛熺數澶у 鐢熷 浣曞畬鎴愬.
We have 1 guest online. Because we think every competition should have his own flavour, we are moving with the BeNeLux to. It is a huge park with a lot of cottages, swimmingpool, bowling, climbing, watersports, etc etc. And of course a lot of DANCING! So do not miss this WCDF qualifying event! Open your agenda and put the date in! .
It is that time of year again when we elect new Board members to OpenNTF. There are four Member Director positions open, as well as three Contributor Director positions. Combine the XPages NoSQL Service and Node.
This release is available as a tar-ball.